Amy Winehouse and the Mod Father, Paul Weller.
Author: Lotta K.
subway karma
inside those doors: metal detectors
like an angel’s whisper
This is some kind of huge weed that grows along the trail where I walk. The flowers smell like roses, and look like fried eggs.
Edit: A little googling later I know these flowers are called Matilija poppies. More info here, using the trusty old wikipedia link.
“I’m pleading with you not to do nothing.”
Maybe I didn’t like all the details, but I liked the overall spirit, and the ending, of this speech.
imagine that
According to an article in the Washington Post Pope Francis met with school children on Friday and chose to take their spontaneous questions instead of giving his prepared speech. The kids asked him normal kid-questions, like if he had wanted to become Pope. (Apparently he hadn’t.)
One comment towards the end of the article caught my attention:
A teacher from Spain asked the pope about “compromised” politicians. (Francis said all Christians had an obligation to be involved in politics.)”
All Christians have an obligation to be involved in politics. That means everyone has an obligation to be involved in politics. Radical stuff.